Fright Night in Franklin

by Sarah Owen
news editor

Franklin Hall is “the perfect place for a haunted house” says Kandice Bailey, the Black Student Union communications chair. The Black Student Union is taking advantage of this prime location and planning a haunted house in Franklin Wednesday, Oct. 30, for students in the Jackson public schools.

The haunted house is free and open to all age groups, including college students, but it’s targeted at first through sixth graders.

photo courtesy Kasper Bennedsen
photo courtesy Kasper Bennedsen

Bailey explains, “It’s basically a way to give the kids of the Jackson Public Schools something to do the night of Halloween—just a way to celebrate.” The BSU is working on making this an annual tradition.

This year, they’re having a surgeon, exorcism, and zombie rooms to name a few. Bailey says, “My favorite room, since I’m a Walking Dead, Dawn of the Dead, zombie apocalypse girl, is the zombie room.”

She’s also very excited about the venue, “Franklin is old to say the least. It’s got dead roaches. It’s not awful, but it’s just got this creepy, solemn feel to it. When you first walk in with all the lights out, your immediate thought is, ‘I’m about to get slashed.’”

Bailey adds, “If anyone wants to volunteer as an actor or tour guide, you’re more than welcome. We could always use more.”