With vaccinations moving out slowly in Japan, the 2021 Summer Olympics is suddenly up in the air. In response to this global loss, Millsaps College has stepped up to the plate. The College announced Monday that they have launched an official bid to host some of the upcoming games.
Millsaps offered to accommodate three sports: sailing, rhythmic gymnastics, and trampoline.
“We envision sailing happening in our own backyard,” a spokesperson for the College stated. He went on, “Right down here in the bowl. Just fill it up with water, and suddenly you’ve got yourself a sailing arena!”
Architectural analyses have estimated fifteen boats could compete at a time in the Bowl. The rest would wait up by the Bell Tower for their competition time.
As far as rhythmic gymnastics, the College has a different idea—they plan on hosting it in the HAC parking lot. “We’ve cut off student parking for events there before…It would work just the same,” the Communications Representative stated. “We could set up fifty to one hundred bars out there for the gymnasts, and add a few pads here or there for soft landings.” There are ample mats located in the HAC for the competitors. Bars could be loaned from nearby Belhaven University and Mississippi College.
Lastly, Millsaps administration felt they could easily host the trampoline event. WeRentTrampolinesMS offered to donate five hundred trampolines for the summer event. The College doesn’t have a concrete plan on where to place all these trampolines, but for now, they’re thinking across campus. “We plan to spread them throughout our 100 acres of land. We could have 20 alone in the AC parking lot,” administration stated.
As we all know, the Olympics are hosted throughout the world. In addition to the games, the College sees this as an opportunity to draw in more potential funds and incoming students. “We think we have a real shot at an accepted bid. Once people learn about Millsaps, freshmen and money will start growing on trees.”
While an official announcement regarding the games will be made in the upcoming week, Millsaps is ready to host the Olympics. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below.
*The above article is part of our 2021 April Fool’s Day Issue. Content is not factual and should not be taken seriously.
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