Putting Your Best Foot Forward

by Courtney Cleveland

features editor

With fall break right around the corner, midterms are probably the last thing on your mind. It seems like just yesterday we were moving onto campus and meeting our new roommates, but sure enough, we’re halfway through the semester. Now, you’re probably dreaming of all the series you can binge-watch on Netflix while you’re on break or calculating all the sleep you think you’re going to get (I know I am), but if one thing’s for sure, you can’t lose sight of what is most important this week—midterms. By this I mean that your studies should be at their strongest point.

It’s necessary that you don’t wait until the night before to cram for one midterm. Begin studying the same day you receive new material, and you should be all set when the time comes for the test. Also, some might find that studying in groups is very beneficial. I, on the other hand, like to review old notes and tests by myself. Either way, the library is probably going to become your best friend. No matter how you choose to study, it is also important that you get a decent amount of sleep. Studies show seven to nine hours of sleep produce better test scores. On the morning of your midterm, you should eat a balanced breakfast to “fuel your brain.” WebMD states that there are certain foods that are to proven to aid in concentration. They range from seeds and yogurt to fish and blueberries. Another essential tip of advice is this: don’t stress. Take regular breaks just as if you were studying for a regular test. Go sit in The Bowl or hang out in the living room for 30 minutes after a study session; if you’re like me, you could surf through Instagram or Twitter for a few minutes. If you know the material, test day will be a breeze. Through it all, remain positive and do your absolute best. I wish everyone the best of luck. When you return from break, campus life will go back to normal and the atmosphere will be as pleasant as before.

With that being said, winter sports will also be starting soon, which, for some, will take their priorities out of the classroom. I offer you this piece of advice: remain focused. One way I do this is to write down what goals need to be met throughout the day and check them off as they’re completed. I also set aside times in the day after I am finished with all of my practices and extra-curriculars to make sure that all of my homework is completed for the next day. Feeling a sense of accomplishment afterwards makes everything worth it. I’ll admit, being a student, especially at Millsaps, is tiresome and requires a lot of work, but the results and benefits from studying are great. So, as you proceed through the week, remember these things: remain calm and collected and always put your best foot forward.