Millsaps offers a variety of opportunities to connect with the campus community such as Greek life, athletic teams, the arts, and student organizations. Two on-campus student organizations I would like to spotlight are the South Asian Cultural Association (SACA) and the Pan-African Student Alliance (P-ASA).
I spoke with the presidents, Kamal Bhalla (SACA) and Lorin Brown (P-ASA), to find out how our student body can participate in some of Millsaps’ cultural organizations.
- What are a few of the main goals of the organization?
SACA: “The main goals are to promote and showcase the various South Asian cultures and activities to the Millsaps Campus. We want to be a group that educates our campus through various events like movies, panels, and dances what South Asian culture is in not only a broad context but also in a local sense as well.”
P-ASA: “The Pan-African Student Alliance’s main goals are helping Black students and allies academically, developing their leadership abilities, and focusing on the development of the Millsaps community by expanding academic stability and leadership as well as promoting Black culture across all aspects of life. We also aim to offer community opportunities that are available to all students and expand cultural knowledge through different events and activities.”
- Who can join SACA/P-ASA?
P-ASA: “Although it may appear that P-ASA is only open to students of the African Diaspora, it is open to everyone, as this organization believes in unification and togetherness through the understanding of Black culture. P-ASA is open to people of all backgrounds and diverse groups.”
SACA: Everyone and anyone is welcome to join SACA!
- What do you believe this organization offers to Millsaps and the campus community?
SACA: “…a way to engage and educate [the Millsaps community] on South Asian culture. It’s important to recognize the diversity that our campus (and world) has, which is what our organization aims to promote.”
P-ASA: “We offer both cultural enrichment and intellectual growth through social, educational, and political programming. P-ASA aims to [expand] its network and platform…and also promote solidarity within and beyond Millsaps College.”
- What can a student expect from this organization?
P-ASA: “A student can expect intellectual growth, advancement of leadership skills, opportunities, mentorship, and community through P-ASA. Students can also expect fun events and creative activities.”
SACA: “A student can expect to not only learn about South Asian culture, but really immerse themselves through food, music, and fellow students to see what South Asian culture is.”
- What else would you like students to know about SACA/P-ASA?
SACA: “We hope that if you ever see an event of SACA’s happening soon, you should check it out because you will not regret it!”
P-ASA: “Do not be afraid to join and be a part of this amazing organization, as it allows you to feel more comfortable being at Millsaps and gives you something to be a part of.”