Momma Millsaps- Laura Lee Edition

by Momma Millsaps (Laura Lee Burkett)

 Q: How do I go about getting a man?

     A: Well, let us begin with what you don’t do. It is not wise to go out and get a man. This phrasing is extremely aggressive, borderline needy, and more likely than not, will result in you “getting” a less than favorable partner. There’s a saying that goes something like: don’t go looking for it—let it come to you [it being love, relationship, and/or general intercourse]. This applies to most cases, UNLESS you’re reaching year three of dormancy. If you are download (14)reaching year three of dormancy, you go get em.’

   If you already have your eyes on someone, I suggest you:

     A. Speak to them, because you will neither get anywhere direct messaging me about it, nor will writing an anonymous “confession” on twitter get you a man. I’m talking about the real face-to-face discourse here people.

B. Don’t friend zone your love interest. While you might think it’s imperative to build a friendship first, calling them “dawg” and shotguning beers is not the way to acquire the foundation you’re looking for.

C. Be sincere, confident and honest and don’t accept anything less than that from the other party.

If you don’t want a relationship:

I feel you, no worries—refer to point C and just keep it real.

     Q: How does one become a true Millsaps icon?

     A: While the post that referred to me as a “Millsaps icon” is very flattering, I must politely decline the title. Based on my years at Millsaps, I will describe to you the characteristics that I believe are common amongst the Millsaps icons that I’ve encountered.

 ONE MUST:  be one’s self at all times, show a genuine interest in those around them, juggle download (15)45 different groups but still make time for the good times, show the upmost respect for the institution as whole, appreciate the opportunity that has been given to them and make the most of it in their own lives, as well as in the lives of others. What makes a Millsaps College icon an icon is their dedication to our college. Usually their dedication is made evident by the amount of passion they exude when speaking with them.

     Q: What is a good way to branch out and meet students from other schools?

Oh you want to leave the bubble??? NAH, NOPE, THINK AGAIN!

     Kidding, I am really glad you asked this question. I think the best way to branch out is to leave campus! Trust me, I know the workload is extremely time consuming, but you have to make time for yourself and what yourself needs sometimes is a scenery change. One way to get a good college experience is to immerse yourself into the culture of the city that you study in. It’s easy to sit back and criticize Jxn but trust me—it’s even easier to fall in love with the city of Jxn—the people and the places here are too rich to be shrugged off with a simple “Jxn sucks.” Get off your tush and go find out!

     YOU CAN: Study in local coffee shops like Sneaky Bean and Cups; go to local shows, support local music and other community efforts. Go to the bars (once you’re 21 of course). These are all sure-fire ways of meeting students from other colleges.