Students Weigh In: Is Millsaps the Best College in the State?

by Bekah Ervin

news editor

In February, Forbes ranked Millsaps College the top college in the state of Mississippi (article can be found here). To see what students thought about this recent ranking, the Purple and White polled students via social media and heard some interesting perspectives about the news and Millsaps as a whole. We asked: Recently, Forbes ranked Millsaps to be the best college in Mississippi. If you find this to be true, what do you think makes Millsaps such a great institution?

Here’s what the students said:

Sierra Burris, sophomore: What sets Millsaps apart is the community. Not only do we have the opportunity to be closer to our professors and administration because of [the] small student-to-professor ratio, but the quality of the faculty is amazing. Not only are the professors top notch in their fields, but they are also some of the best people you will ever meet. They genuinely care about each student’s education and young adult experience.

Sierra Burris
Sierra Burris

Evan Enochs, freshman: I think the reason Millsaps is ranked so high is because of the type of people who go and teach here. Millsaps students generally are excited to learn and the teachers are completely invested in our education. The classes are small, so we get to have a great relationship with our professors and we can approach our professors in or out of class. It is so easy to get involved here and so many opportunities to meet new people.

Evan Enochs

Brittany Hardy, junior: Millsaps College is unquestionably the best college in Mississippi. As an undergraduate-centric institution, students at Millsaps are able to actively participate in academic research that, at a larger institution, would typically be reserved for graduate students. Many Millsaps students assist faculty members with their research: from working in chemistry labs to recording history interviews to traveling with professors to work at archaeological sites. These opportunities truly exemplify Millsaps’ motto, ad excellentiam, and distinguish Millsaps from other Mississippi schools.

Brittany Hardy
Brittany Hardy

Alex Melnick, senior: I think Millsaps would be great and that statement would be true if our barbed wire fence wasn’t there!

Alex Melnick
Alex Melnick

Karam Rahat, sophomore: When you look around and see everyone here, you already know you share one thing in common with them: that they chose to come to an institution which focuses all its efforts into ensuring that you develop a meaningful philosophy of life, regardless of what you chose to study or where you are headed. So not only are you in this college, but you are attending with a community that you know values the same in their choice of education. Not despite, but due in part of our differences in ourselves and the places we hail as home.

Karam Rahat